Summer is the time to enjoy the lawn. Lawn should be serving us – games, BBQs, garden parties and slow barefoot walks over lush, green grass. Once the lawn is looked after correctly, it will be perfect for you to enjoy.
Summer is all about consistent and regular maintenance – mowing, watering and feeding.
Grass is growing
Spring and Summer are active growing seasons, and it happens with or without our interference. If you follow the spring lawn care plan, then you will be able to enjoy healthy, dens and green lawn in early Summer. It is important to be consistent with the Summer lawn Care.
Mowing the Lawn.
Quite often, people think that beautiful lawns are created by Lawn Fairy godmothers.
It turns out that mowing is the most important job of the whole of Lawn Care calendar
Mowing is very simple, however there are few things to remember:
- Do not remove more than 1/3 of the leaf growth.
- The mowing equipment.
- What to do with grass clippings.
- When is the best time to mow the grass?
- How low can I mow the grass?
- What are the most common mistakes when mowing the grass?
Watering or Irrigation.
Water is a lifeline to your plants, and the lawn is not an exception. Water helps plants by transporting essential nutrients through the plant. The movement of water from the soil into the roots and through the plant is called transpiration. This process cools the plant. So, regular and correct irrigation will make sure your lawn is thriving throughout Summer.
General rule of thumb – a lot, but not too often
Find out more about watering and Irrigation.
The application of fertiliser during the Summer.
Keeping your lawn healthy and lush in Summer takes work, because it is using a lot of energy to produce green growth. The lawn is used more often, and it is mowed on regular bases. Therefore, it is important to replace the energy that your lawn has lost by applying Summer fertiliser. There are many different types of fertilisers available to suit the needs of each lawn.
Few things to remember when feeding the lawn:
- Choose the correct type of feed.
- When is the best time to apply fertiliser?
- How to apply fertiliser?
- Avoid the most common mistakes.
Find out more about feeding the Lawn.

Summer is the time of year when the lawn is actively growing and might require additional maintenance jobs, like weeding, pest, and disease control, or maybe it must be replaced entirely.
Lawn care should be enjoyable and fun. The lawn is there to be enjoyed by all.
The maintenance plan will change in Autumn. It will not be as intense – less frequent mowing, less watering and feeding. However, if you want a healthy lawn next year, make sure to follow autumn Lawn Care plan.